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Inputs Reference

For instructions on how to register custom Inputs, see Input Plugins.

In the types below, T refers to the Input type and S refers to the Input Settings type.

Base Input


Type: string

Input ID, must be unique and should include your plugin name for namespacing purposes. Shown in the Collection settings.


Type: string

Name shown for this input in the Collection settings.


Type: string

Description shown for this input in the Collection settings. Optional.


Type: (data: T) => string

Called before sending data to server (client-side only)


Type: (data: string) => T

Called before rendering input and HTML (client and server side)


Type: () => ForwardRefExoticComponent<InputProps<T, S> & RefAttributes<InputRef<T>>> | FunctionComponent<InputProps<T, S>> | undefined

Called client-side to render input in CMS; remember to call useImperativeHandle with InputRef object if the Input has a value. The Collection Input name and description will be passed as props.


Type: (website: Website, collection: Collection) => boolean

Called client-side to determine whether to show in input library and server-side to validate that the request does not contain input. Optional, defaults to true.


Type: (serializedValue: string, deserialize: BaseInput<T, S>['deserialize'], settings: S | null, req: Request) => void | Promise<void>

Called server-side to ensure that the input value is valid. You should throw an error if it is invalid. Optional.


Type: (value: T, settings: S | null, req: Request) => RenderHtmlType<T> | Promise<RenderHtmlType<T>>

Called server-side when page is requested through API with the query parameter ?render=true. If you don’t want the input to be rendered as HTML, return a JSON object. You can also return a non-HTML string.

Input With Settings

An input can optionally have settings.


Type: () => ForwardRefExoticComponent<SettingsProps<S> & RefAttributes<InputRef<S>>>

Called client-side to render settings in Collection settings.


Type: (data: S) => string

Serializes settings to a string


Type: (data: string) => S

Deserializes settings from a string.


Type: (serializedSettings: string, deserialize: InputWithSettings<T, S>['deserializeSettings'], req: Request) => void | Promise<void>

Called server-side to ensure that the input value is valid. You should throw an error if it is invalid. Optional.